Tuesday, April 12, 2011

LOVE on Valentines Day

Mike and I were both lucky enough to be able to volunteer in Trey's classroom on Valentines Day (the volunteer list fills up very quickly with Trey's class). When I asked Mike if he would like to spend his Valentine's Day off in Trey's classroom, he said he couldn't think of anything else he's rather be doing than spending it with 23Kindergartners-haha! Mike was in charge of M&M BINGO and of course made lots of fun out of every picture he called. It seems as though Trey grows 2 inches taller each time his daddy shows up at his school - he loves having Mike around! And I love seeing the interaction between the two of them and the "reaction" of the kids when they see Trey's dad...I'm sure it makes them wonder-with Mike being 6'5" and very, very tall-and Trey being 3' tall (on a good day) and so, so short. Watching Trey grasp the concept of Valentines card's as he read each name and passed out each one with a smile and bit of curiosity as to what his might be filled with was unforgettable for me.
Happy Valentine's Day my little Angel - you've most definitely hooked your Mommy and Daddy's heart!

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