Friday, April 30, 2010

Close Call

Another sleepless night, only this time I know why. Trey and I dropped Drake and Broc off at soccer practice then headed to my mom’s for a visit. To our pleasant surprise, my brothers were there. My mom is having new flooring put in her home so each of us have been busy with our individual projects helping to get her home ready for the install process. I had asked Mike to bring the boys over to my moms after practice to see how much progress had been made. In the meantime, we all had decided to go out to eat so I left a note on my mom’s front door telling Mike where to meet us (his cell phone wasn’t charged). After dinner Mike tells me about an extremely “close call” him and the boy’s had on the ride over to the restaurant and how they were just feet away from being hit by a large pick up truck that had run a red light. I sat numb as he was telling me, inside I was trying to register what Mike was saying and at the same time thanking God for Mike’s alertness and the consequences had he not have been. The entire story and intersection has been running through my head ever since, hence one reason for another sleepless night. I always pray for God to lighten my load, that this is too much for me to handle (I can’t possibly imagine if anything were to happen to another one of “my boys”, Mike included). Tonight has made me remember that our days are numbered, to live one day at a time and live each to the fullest. It has made me think even harder about not focusing on what I can’t control and not to worry so much about the future when in reality tomorrow could be any one of our last days here on earth. Tonight’s “close call” gave me a wake up call on living in the moment… life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!

*the boys were so proud of their "demo" and clean up jobs

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