Friday, April 30, 2010

...and the other reason

...and the other reason I can't sleep. As special as April was with so many of our family member's birthday's and Trey's too, I am relieved for it to be over. It seemed like every time I wrote "April" anything, it would remind me of Trey's birthday, his birth and all the many days of waiting, wondering, worrying, hoping and praying. Just thinking about his first couple weeks of life is extremely draining on me and my ever busy mind. Today being the last day of April brings reprieve to very emotional memories associated with this month...only to bring me to May and Mother's Day which opens up another box of emotions for this mama (oh my poor husband, I'm an emotional wreck-haha)

*Trey's Birthday hat given to him at Preschool

*Trey picking out of the Birthday box at swim

*Trey being sung to at dinner on his Birthday

*A Happy Birthday song from Trey's T-ball team: the Red Firetrucks
All our April family birthdays: Auntie Cathy, Aunt Barb, GiGi, Auntie Stephanie, Papa John, Uncle Jake, Uncle Jeff and Treybo (and Granny, 90 years old-not pictured)

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