Friday, June 18, 2010

Keeping Busy

Our first official week of summer vacation was spent at Vacation Bible School. This year the theme was "Egypt" and like previous years, the boys loved it. Trey was such a big boy this year...amazing what changes a year can bring. Trey was singing, and dancing and making new friends daily. This last week was spent making posters for Uncle Bryan's return from his deployment
as well as getting ready for Minnesota and Trey's annual check up with the specialists. As soon as get the results of Trey's spine x-rays, echo. and blood tests we will then breath easy and head up North to celebrate my Granny's 90th birthday. I will bring the computer with us and update Trey's blog as the results come in...pray for good news!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day Mikey! I am so proud of the man, husband and father you are. You make perfect sense of everything yet play with your children as though you're one of them. You have a tough job professionally and personally and you have perfected and set an example by both. I love you so much, Happy Happy Happy Father's Day big brother! Love, Cathy