Sunday, March 7, 2010

Over the Top!

February 27, 2010

Wow how time flies…it’s already been a week since the “Big Event” and yet to me (and my mind & body) it still feel’s like it was yesterday. This fundraiser was OVER THE TOP to say the least. Just like we had envisioned it to be, there were excellent auction items, great food, an outstanding band and most importantly…a sea of magnificent people.

Mike and I couldn’t have asked for more for our baby, Trey. The tables were so full of auction items, we needed more, the people were so abundant, we need more places for them to eat, the check out for paying for the donated items was so long, we could have had triple the amount of check out tables and helpers...what wonderful problems to have! I could go on and on about how successful the event was, if you were there you got to witness first hand how much was done for our family and how blanketed with love and support we were that night.
Dan and Robert, you’ve out did yourselves once again after I didn’t think such was possible following the first Trey’s Treasure for Hope event you put on for us back in September 2008!

As Mike began to say and I tried to express (both choked up) that night on stage, we can’t begin to thank everyone name by name because there are just so many and just so much that goes into an event of this magnitude but Dan, Robert, Billy, Debby, the Gin Blossoms and the committee (including the emcee, DJ and auctioneer)…you guys are THE BEST!!! From the top to the bottom of our hearts that are so full of love and thanks to each and every one of you, we would like to express our sincerest gratitude, thank you, thank you , thank you for everything!

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