I'm sorry.
I really try hard not to bring home the stress I feel everyday.
I went in late today because I just wanted to be around all four of you for just a bit longer in the morning......I love taking Trey to the bus with his bruth - ers!
I'm with you 100% in this maze of never ending twists regarding Trey's fight!
I'm so sad everyday for our little guy - I was holding his hand this morning after you got up to get the boys ready and I just hoped and prayed that my touch could just suddenly take this all away. It's so unfair and cruel......He's the best little guy in the whole world. If we looked up the definition of "sweet" in the dictionary, it would have Trey's picture there!
Cam I do not know how to cope with this either and worse is feeling that I can't comfort you enough through this unjust path God's put us on.
I just try to enjoy every bit of him every time he's around me!
Trey's precious big blue eyes give me hope, his soft and inquisitive touch warms my soul, his little "perfect" smile soothes my aching heart, his (still baby) breath and smell make me want to squeeze him "super" tight and never let go, and his cute little voice and words are such needed comforting sounds to my ears. All of which help ease this pain I feel every waking moment.
Cam, it's these little things that bring me comfort and transform my constant thoughts of sadness to often just seconds, sometimes even minutes, and on really really good days, hours of total uninterrupted bliss with him because he's our Trey, Mr, Busy, Mr. Twister, Little Man, and Mr. Everything that's truly beautiful in this world wrapped into a blonde curly haired miracle we call our "baby boy."
I love you and need you so Cami.
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