Wednesday, March 9, 2011

In Awe of #10

November 2010

How cute is this? So my dearest friend, Carrie called me on her drive to our part of town to invite the boys and I to her oldest son, Darrien’s’ freshman basketball game as they were playing against a high school team right down the street from us. As luck would have it, we were available. Drake and Broc were very excited to watch the high school boys play but Trey was elated to get to see the “big guys” in action . We pointed out Darrien (who became, no name-only #10 to Trey) right away so that he could keep track of the “big guy” we knew. The best part is after the game Darrien’s coach allowed Trey to come back to the locker room hall to take a picture with the team and even get autographs! I don’t know who was more excited, the players to be asked for their autographs or Trey to be able to get so close to #10 (Darrien) after the game.

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